2011年9月6日 星期二

Family Background

     My name is Guo-Wen Zeng, coming from Tainan.  I have five members in my family.  My father is a business manager in a company about glass industry and my mother is a housewife.  Both of my parents are democratic.  As long as things or problems that I have capability to solve, they always let me make my own master.  Because of the way they teach me, I become more independent than those who are of my age.  As for my elder sister, who majors in accounting, always tells me to be responsibility for the thing I promised. Her motto is “The person who doesn’t keep his word will never become an adult.”  In my family, my brother and I are the youngest children because we are twins.  On account of him, my childhood is very happy for that we always do things together.  I’m really satisfied with what I have now.  Because of them, I become a positive and energetic person.

3 則留言:

  1. (第6行)是be responsible for,rsponsibility是名詞
    (倒數第3行)for that we...的that可省

  2. 你姊姊學會計跟教你要有責任又沒關係 你要不要改成節省之類的

  3. On account of him, my childhood is very happy for that we always do things together這句感覺很像因為你和你的brother常常在一起所以你的童年很快樂,要不要說你們做過哪些事情﹝ex.抓泥鰍之類的XD﹞讓你的童年很豐富很快樂
