2011年10月4日 星期二

Self - Evaluation

     I am an optimistic and energetic person.  When I face difficulties, I always look things on the bright side and never give up easily.  For example, when I can’t figure out answers of English questions, I will ask my teachers, my classmates, or even the English teachers at my elder sister’s work place for help.  Therefore, I always say “Relax! There must have the way to deal with the problem!”  What is more, I am also good at encouraging  people around me and advise them be more positive, everything will be fine!  For instance,  whearas my friends are in the bad mood because of the bad grades, I will encourage and tell them that they will have better grades next time!   Just as my mother and my classmates always say to me “You’re so sanguine of everything!”
    Except for studying English, I still have much free time to do my hobbies.  And my favorite thing is to play basketball or volleyball on weekends.  However, the reason why I like to play basketball is my twin brother.  He is a great basketball player and when he went out and played basketball with his classmates, I always followed him.  Therefore, I started to play basketball with my brother when I was an elementary school’s student.  After entering NTCVS, I began to get in touch with volleyball.  Due to my seniors’ training and my efforts, now I become a pretty good volleyball player.
    When it comes to living attitude, I hope to become a “LOHAS” who eat healthy food instead of junk food, wearing simple clothes without too many decorations, loving nature and will reduce waste of natural resources and pollution and so on.  However, I still work on it, since it is not easy to get rid of the bad habits that have been done for many years.  Nevertheless, I’m looking forward the day when I become a real “LOHAS”.  By becoming the person like that, I hope I can try my utmost to protect the earth from trash and pollution,

3 則留言:

  1. 直接打elementary school student就好了唷!
    倒數第三行-->looking forward to

  2. 你的whereas拼錯了

  3. when he went out and played basketball with his classmates, I always followed him 現在式就好了吧?
