2011年3月30日 星期三

Explaining a Process - 3

  Following these direction, and it will help you to find the way from Visit Center to Free Quaker Meeting House. First, go down for three blocks on Chestnut Street. Next, turn right on Sixth Street. Then, continue one block on Sixth Street. And you can see Free Quaker Meeting House is on your right.

Explaining a Process - 2

  According to the research, black is a better collector of solar energy than white.  There is a simple experiment that we can prove it. Before begining the experiment, you need to prepare two tin cans, black and white paint, and a room thermometer.  First, paint the cans-one black, one white. Then, we can fill them with water. Next, we put the cans in direct sunlight for three hours. As a final point, check the temperture of the water in the cans and compare.  Therefore, we can find that the temperture of  the water in the black can is higher than that in the white one. 

Explaining a Process - 1

  It is easy to pot a plant if you follow the right procedure. First, you have to cover bottom of pot with small stones. Second, you can start to put two inches of soil on top of rocks. Third, after putting rocks, make a hole in center of soil and then drop plant into soil. Next, add soil until it almost reaches top of pot.  Also, press soil down with thumbs.  Last and most improtant, remember to water your plant. When you finish all movements, your plant will grow up healthy.

2011年3月16日 星期三

An Unforgettable Trip - revised 1

  As a person who likes to travel and learn other countries' culture, I think Korea is a wonderful place where visitors have to go. The first time I went to Korea was at the age of twelve. I still remembered that when I arrived there, I was so excited.  I went to visit a lot of historic spots and learned culture about Korean history. People living there were so gentle and friendly because they always smiled at foreigners.  When I was buying some local food at local markets, some venders even gave me food for free. As the proverb goes, "When in Rome, do as the Romans do." Therefore, I put on Korean traditional clothes.  In fact, it made me feel that I was a real Korean.  By virtue of this trip,  I found that Korea was really a beautiful country and I would never forget about it.

2011年3月14日 星期一

An Unforgettable Trip

As a person who like to travel and learn other countries' culture. Korea is a wonderful place that you must have to go. The first time I went to Korea was at the age of twelve. I still remembered that when I arrived there, I was so excited.  I went to visit a lot of spots of historic and learned cultural about Korean history. People lived there were so gently and friendly because they always smiled to foreigners no matter where I went.  When I was buying some local food at local markets, some venders even gave me food for free. As the proverb goes, "When in Rome, do as the Romans do." Therefore, I put on the Korean traditional clothes.  In fact, it made me feel that I was a real Korean.  By virtue of this trip,  I find that Korea is really a beautiful country and I will never forget about it.

2011年3月9日 星期三

A Dream I Have Had - revised 1

 A dream I have had was ridiculous.  In my dream, I was an employee who worked in a small company.  My only hope was to become a millionaire.  One day, when I was on my way to work, there was a strange person who gave me a package.  I opened it and found that there were one million inside!  From that moment, I became a rich person.  Then I went to my workplace and shouted at my boss " I quit!" Then, I started to travel around the world and bought many stuffs that I didn't need.  I spent money as running water.  Few months later, the strange person showed up again.  He said "I gave you so much money and let you carried out your dream, so.......it is time that you pay me back." He said a lot of word that I couldn't understand and said "Die".  He walked toward me and put something disgusting in my mouth.  I felt horrible and screamed loudly.  Suddenly, I woke up.  It was such a terrible dream that I  still felt something disgusting in my mouth.  For the next few days, I slept with the light at night because I was scared that I would see the strange person again.  It was awful that I wished I would never make the dream like that.

2011年3月2日 星期三

A Dream I Have Had

  A dream I have had was ridiculous.  In my dream, I was an employee who worked in a small company.  My only hope was to become a millionaire.  One day, when I was on my way to work, there was a strange person who gave me a package.  I opened it and found one million inside.  From that moment, I became a rich man.  Then I went to my workplace and shouted at my boss " I quit." I started to travel around the world and bought many stuffs that I didn't need.  I spend money as running water.  As a result, my money ran off and I became poorer than before. I begged for food on the street but nobody hand out their hands to me.  At he end, I died in a lonely death on the cold street.  Then, I woke up.  It was such a terrible dream that I wish it would never happen in my life.