2011年5月25日 星期三

Expressing an Opinion - 2

  Students in Taiwan all need to wear uniforms to school.  Although I don't like to wear uniforms, I'm still in favor of wearing uniforms to school.  First of all, in my opinion, students who wear uniforms look neat and tidy because everyone is dressed in the same clothes.  Second, for uniform is the only choice, hence,  I don't have to worry what I should wear before I go to school.  Third, because of wearing uniforms, I can tell apart students from different schools and when I see those who wear as the same uniforms as me, I will feel more friendly.  It is for all these reasons that I support students should wear uniform to school.

Expressing an Opinion - 1

People in this generation like to chat online.  Chatting through the Internet is an interesting thing because you don't know to whom you are talking.  In my opinion, it is not good for you to meet people through online dating sites.  First of all,  you may spend too much time talking to your cyber friends and forget to do what you should do everyday.  Then, though you think that you know the person well through the Net, he or she is still a stranger.  Maybe he or she is a liar and borrow money from you through the Net.  In the end, that person takes all your money and doesn't return it just because you take pity on him or her.  Next, you become a person who doesn't like to do outside activities and make conversation with “real people” because you are addicted to the Internet. Therefore, I don't think meet people through online dating sites is a good idea.

Comparing - 2 - revised

I would like to buy a lady hoodie, so I take two pieces of advertisment from LOURIE'S and GREEN'S and start to compare their price.  I  find there are a lot of correspondences between two stores.  First, I find their hoodies are made from cotton blend which is my favorite material and  can be washed by washing machine.  Second, both of them are suitable for those whose size is from 4-14.  Luckily, my size is 10.  Third, they have many colors for customers to choose such as red, navy, white, green and so on that bother me which one I should select.  Above all, these two hoodies in different stores are at the same price!  They are all $34.99!  I really don't know which one should I choose.

2011年5月18日 星期三

Comparing - 1 - revised

  There are two important Americans, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson.  By reading their biographical information, I found that they were similar.  In spite of the difference of their birthday, both of them died on July 4, 1826.  In John Adams's life, he was an important person in the Amerocan Revolution, and so was Thomas Jefferson.  Then, they were both great presidents in U.S.A's history.  The former was the second president, the latter was the third.  Next, they were both delegated to the Continental Congress. Last, both of them are the signers of Declaration of Independence.  They were really outstanding people that I thought they were giants in the American history.

Giving Reasons - I'd Like to Have an Intreview with Yani Tseng - revised

  If I have a chance to have an interview with a celebrity, I'd like to interview Yani Tseng(曾雅妮).  Not only is she a professional golf player, but she is also the proud of Taiwan.  She has won a lot of prizes since 2007 when she became a professional player.  This year, in 2011, she won the first prize in Australia.  From then on, she is ranked number 1 in the Women's World Golf Ranking. To my surprise, she is only twenty three years old and is the youngest player who becomes number 1 in LPGA. Therefore,  the first question that I want to ask her is what her feelings about becoming a famous player at such young age?  Second, I will ask her why she wants  to be a professional player?  It's because most of girls at her age care about how they look or what  they should wear for parties instead of having rigorous training 8 hours a day and thinking how to play golf well. Third, I want to ask her what kind of difficulty did she encounter during the term that she became a professional player from an amateur?  Just as the saying goes, "Practice makes perfect."  Hence, I think everyone must have suffering time when they try to make something perfect.  However, if I really have a chance to interview her, I think it will become the best experience that I have ever had and I will learn a lot of things because of her spirit.

Contrasting - 2

      I was going to hire a new English instructor for our school, consequently, I looked for a person who was suitable for the job.  I had two resumes from Lynn Whitnall and Debra Fines on hand.  For finding the most outstanding teacher, I started to compare them.  According to the information on resumes,  I found that Lynn Whitnall majored in Spanish at university while Debra Fines majored in English.  By the way,  both of them were good at French, however, Lynn could speak Spanish and Japanese fluently as well.  When I read their employment experience,  I found Debra had more experience than Lynn.  In fact, I considered that the person with more experience would teach students better.  Nevertheless, to my surpised, Lynn got "excellence in teaching award" in 2004.  The award was one of the best awards that every teacher wanted to get it.  While I decided to make the decision, I found that Debra was the writer of English Verb Tenses.  That was the most popular textbook that every student who majored in English would have.  It was the most difficult choice that I had ever had.  Therefore, I decided to hold a teachers' conference on Monday and let all teachers in this school voted for who was the new teacher in our school.

Contrasting - 1

  I'm a freshman in the college.  It's my first time that I leave my hometown so far.  To start my new school life, I need to rent a house for me to live in this big city.  Thus, I ask my friends for help and they offer me two places to choose.  Both of them are apartments - Fairfax Apartment and CAMPUS APTS which are near the campus.  There are some descriptions of apartments.  First, there are two large bedrooms in Fairfax Apartment that maybe I can find a room-mate to share the rent for apartment with me.  However, CAMPUS APTS only has one room.  Second, the former is furnished such as sofa, bed, air conditioner etc while the latter doesn't have.  Above all, the apartment with two large bedrooms is more expensive than the other one with one room.  In fact, the former cost $1250 a month and the latter cost $900 a month plus utilities.  It's really difficult for me to choose one because there are too many obstacles.  For example, if I can't find a room-mate to share the rent with me, I have to pay all money by myself.  Yet I rent the other apartment,  I need to buy new furniture.  Therefore, maybe I'll go home and ask my parents' instructions because they sponsor my living expenses.  I really can't wait to start my new university life.

Comparing - 3

   Teenagers in this generation like to be groupies who chase their favorite idols around, and I am not an exception. On weekend, I always be a groupie and go to singers' concerts.  In face, there are two singers I like - Jolin and  Show.  To my surprised, I find they have similiarly personality and their way to become a singer are alike.  First, Jolin and Show are very hard-working singers.  Everytime when they publish their new ablums, they always change their singing and dancing style which is the main reason their fans like them.  Second, both of them are good at self-control because when they feel tried about their work or get sick, they never complain or cry out in front of the audiences.  Last, Jolin and Show are not popular at the beginning of their singing career.  However, instead of giving up themselves, they started to learn more things such as singing skills, dancing, acting and so on.  As the saying goes, "Where there is a will, there is a way."  Joiln and Show are both good examples.  As their biggest fan, I hope I could become a person with such great personality like them someday.

2011年5月4日 星期三

Describing a Person - revised 1

I'm looking for my friend. Her name is Vivian Li. She is twenty years old and has beautiful long brown hair . That day was her birthday so I planned to celebrate her birthday at a restaurant.  Everything was fine in the beginning, but when I went to the restroom and came back, something terrible happened.  I found she was missing.  Her cellphone and bag were still on the table, but she was not there.  I was afraid that she was getting into some troubles.  She wears yellow a dress with flower patterns.  Her skin is a little black and she has beautiful brown eyes.  She  is 160 cm.  But she wears yellow high-heeled shoes, so I think that she becomes 165cm or so.  Her nickname is "Kitty" because Hello Kitty is her favorite cartoon character.  She has a Hello Kitty necklace on her neck.  I'm really worried about her. Therefore, if someone sees her, please call me.  My phone number is 0978-123456.  God bless her.