2011年5月18日 星期三

Contrasting - 2

      I was going to hire a new English instructor for our school, consequently, I looked for a person who was suitable for the job.  I had two resumes from Lynn Whitnall and Debra Fines on hand.  For finding the most outstanding teacher, I started to compare them.  According to the information on resumes,  I found that Lynn Whitnall majored in Spanish at university while Debra Fines majored in English.  By the way,  both of them were good at French, however, Lynn could speak Spanish and Japanese fluently as well.  When I read their employment experience,  I found Debra had more experience than Lynn.  In fact, I considered that the person with more experience would teach students better.  Nevertheless, to my surpised, Lynn got "excellence in teaching award" in 2004.  The award was one of the best awards that every teacher wanted to get it.  While I decided to make the decision, I found that Debra was the writer of English Verb Tenses.  That was the most popular textbook that every student who majored in English would have.  It was the most difficult choice that I had ever had.  Therefore, I decided to hold a teachers' conference on Monday and let all teachers in this school voted for who was the new teacher in our school.

4 則留言:

  1. Consequently要當句首大寫前一句子為句號不然就是逗號改分號
    然後一樣是TO my surprise不是surprised~

  2. let all teachers in this school voted (all the teachers會比較好喔!!)

  3. *consequently前面要用;ㄛ!
    *The award was one of the best awards that every teacher wanted to get it. →it不用寫,因為前面的that所代表的就是it!
    * ~and let all teachers in this school voted for who was the new teacher in our school.
    → ~and let all teachers in this school "vote" for "who would be" the new ~. 我覺得醬比較好啦~
    *我發現你最近作文越寫越好了唷!!看完作文後發現阿~ ~最近妳寫的作文都會用一些跟別人不一樣的想法跟寫作手法!! 我很喜歡唷~ :)
