2011年5月25日 星期三

Expressing an Opinion - 1

People in this generation like to chat online.  Chatting through the Internet is an interesting thing because you don't know to whom you are talking.  In my opinion, it is not good for you to meet people through online dating sites.  First of all,  you may spend too much time talking to your cyber friends and forget to do what you should do everyday.  Then, though you think that you know the person well through the Net, he or she is still a stranger.  Maybe he or she is a liar and borrow money from you through the Net.  In the end, that person takes all your money and doesn't return it just because you take pity on him or her.  Next, you become a person who doesn't like to do outside activities and make conversation with “real people” because you are addicted to the Internet. Therefore, I don't think meet people through online dating sites is a good idea.

6 則留言:

  1. Maybe he or she is a liar and borrow money from you through the Net. 巴洛媽尼前面要不要加個wants to之類的反正就是一直想要跟你借錢的感覺這樣會不會比較順
    Next, you become~because you~. 這句的比扣斯要不要改成其他字因為上面已經有一個比扣斯了唷

  2. 最後一句的meet要改成動名詞

  3. *Chatting through the Internet is an interesting thing →要不要改成interesting leisure activity呢?
    *Maybe he or she is a liar and borrow money from you through the Net. In the end, that person takes all your money and doesn't return it just because you take pity on him or her.妳要不要改成→Maybe he or she is a liar who wants to borrow money from you through the Net, and never returns it to you for good as he or she have some excuse.(看你要不要在excuse 前加上形容詞,我想了很久但就是想不到適當的...)
    *Therefore, I don't think meet people through online dating sites is a good idea. meet→meeting

  4. 都看不太出有哪裡不好耶

  5. meet改成meeting哦,其他沒有錯=ˇ=
