2011年5月25日 星期三

Expressing an Opinion - 2

  Students in Taiwan all need to wear uniforms to school.  Although I don't like to wear uniforms, I'm still in favor of wearing uniforms to school.  First of all, in my opinion, students who wear uniforms look neat and tidy because everyone is dressed in the same clothes.  Second, for uniform is the only choice, hence,  I don't have to worry what I should wear before I go to school.  Third, because of wearing uniforms, I can tell apart students from different schools and when I see those who wear as the same uniforms as me, I will feel more friendly.  It is for all these reasons that I support students should wear uniform to school.

5 則留言:

  1. Second, for uniform is the only choice, hence, I don't have to worry what I should wear before I go to school. (for 是要放在句中吧!!)
    because of wearing uniforms(because of 後面是加名詞)
    more friendly(friendlier)

  2. Second, for uniform is the only choice, hence,~. for uniform 要不要改成 for wearing uniforms

  3. in my opinion前其實可以不用First of all囉~
    for uniform is the only choice, hence, I don't have to worry what I should wear before I go to school.這句修改一下就沒什麼大問題了

  4. *我覺得前兩句可以合併成一句,因為表示的意思一樣,改成I'm in favor of that students in Taiwan all need to wear uniform to school although I don't like to wear uniforms.
    * in my opinion和first of all擇一
    *Second, for uniform is the only choice, hence, I don't have to worry what I should wear before I go to school. for 要放句中且前要加豆號,hence跟for只能擇一唷!而且要寄得hence 是副詞要記得再加上";",你自己選一種改~
    *~those who wear as the same uniforms as me, I will feel more friendly. 我覺得寫the same uniforms as me 就好了(去掉一個as),另外,more friendly或friendlier都對啦~

  5. for uniform is the only choice
