2011年4月20日 星期三

Giving Reasons - I'd Like to Have an Intreview with Yani Tseng

  If I have a chance to have an interview with a celebrity, I'd like to interview Yani Tseng(曾雅妮).  Not only is she a professional golf player, but she is also the proud of Taiwan.  She has won a lot of prize since 2007 when she became a professional player.  This year, in 2011, she won the first prize in Australia.  From then on, she is ranked number 1 in the Women's World Golf Ranking. To my surprise, she is only twenty three years old and is the youngest player who becomes number 1 in LPGA. Therefore,  the first question that I want to ask her is how it feels to become a such famous player in such young age?  Second, I will ask her why she wants  to be a professional player?  It's because most girls at her age care about how they look like or what should they wear for parties instead of having rigorous training 8 hours a day. Third, I want to ask her what kind of difficulty did she come to while she is a professional player?  Just as the saying goes, "Practice makes perfect."  Hence, I think everyone must have suffering time when they try to make something perfect.  However, if I really have a chance to interview her, I think it will become the best experience that I have ever had and I will learn a lot of things because of her spirit.

8 則留言:

  1. how it feels to become a such famous player in such young age? (是how she feels 吧!?)
    what kind of difficulty did she come to (come to 好像不適合)

  2. 第四行she won the first prize in Australia

  3. prize可數唷!
    most girls中間要不要加of????

  4. Therefore, ~ how "it" feels to become ~age?
    改成she 比較好八!用it感覺怪怪的..
    It's because most girls at her ~how they look like or~a day. like要去掉

  5. prize這是可數的唷~

  6. Therefore,~how it feels~ it要改成she喔
    Third,~did she come to~ come要不要改成face之類的
    整體很棒喔 雅妮台灣之光~~~~

  7. 第七行的in such young age和at her age的兩個age用了不一樣的介係詞哦~我絕得應該是at才對
