2011年6月16日 星期四

Best of the semester - 3

      Acton is a small town in the Midwest.  It has a population of 2,500.  As the mayor in this town for ten years, I make all my efforts to protect this town from being dangerous.  Last month, Stanly Manufacturing decided to open a large factory in Acton.  When I hear of this news, I feel shocked because if the big factory is built in this quiet and clean place, it will bring several negative effects.  First of all, that factory will bring a lot of pollution.  Air in this town will fill with exhaust fumes and clear water will become waste water which people may get sick if they drink it.   A lot of noise will be made because of the factory.  People living here will have a miserable life as a result of the pollution. 
      Second, with the factory in this town, the population will increase, owing to many migrators from different areas.  In fact, on account of these migrators, the town’s public security will become more dangerous than before.  The crime rate will rise for the people whose jobs are occupied by those who come from other places or the people who can’t find a job for the population is more than working opportunities.
      Third, though the small town may turn into the big city with the prosperity that the factory brings, people who live here will become aloof because everyone wants to make money instead of chatting with their neighbors.  Due to all of these reasons, I strongly disagree that the factory is established in this peaceful town.  As the mayor in this town for ten years, I will try my best to keep the dangerousness from Acton.

Best of the semester - 2

     Everyone likes to attend a party.  However, do you know how to plan an excellent party?  As for most of people, they may say that just find a place which has already decorated and prepare some food or beverages for the guests.  In fact, there is still something that you need to note.  First of all, you have to think about your party's theme and start to find a good place that suitable for your subject. While you are looking for a party place, remember to find a big one because when you arrange some shows or games for the guests enjoying themselves, the big place will have enough space for you to make arrangements.  Second, you need some people who are good at cooking to help you make delicious meal and prepare some soft drinks. I think you can make different kinds of food such as low calorie food or health-preserving meal and so on for the guests having more choices to choose.  Third, find ten people or so to help you decorate the place.  I think you can ask your friends or siblings for help and maybe they will help without requesting for any salary!  Forth, select the party's time. I think that the most wonderful time is on Saturday night because most people don't have to go to school or work on that day and the next day.  Last and most important thing is send your greet cards to all your friends and start to look forward to the party's day coming.  Following these tips, I think hold a party will never be a difficulty for you!

Best of the semester - 1

    If I have a chance to have an interview with a celebrity, I'd like to interview Yani Tseng(曾雅妮).  Not only is she a professional golf player, but she is also the proud of Taiwan.  She has won a lot of prizes since 2007 when she became a professional player.  This year, in 2011, she won the first prize in Australia.  From then on, she is ranked number 1 in the Women's World Golf Ranking. To my surprise, she is only twenty three years old and is the youngest player who becomes number 1 in LPGA. Therefore, the first question that I want to ask her is what her feelings about becoming a famous player at such young age?  Second, I will ask her why she wants to be a professional player?  It's because most of girls at her age care about how they look or what they should wear for parties instead of having the rigorous training for 8 hours a day and thinking how to play golf well. Third, I want to ask her what kind of difficulty did she encounter during the term that she became a professional player from an amateur?  Just as the saying goes, "Practice makes perfect."  Hence, I think everyone must have suffering time when they try to make something perfect.  However, if I really have a chance to interview her, I think it will become the best experience that I have ever had and I will learn a lot of things because of her spirit.

Discussing Effects - 2 - revised

      Acton is a small town in the Midwest.  It has a population of 2,500.  As the mayor in this town for ten years, I make all my efforts to protect this town from being dangerous.  Last month, Stanly Manufacturing decided to open a large factory in Acton.  When I hear of this news, I feel shocked because if the big factory is built in this quiet and clean place, it will bring several negative effects.  First of all, that factory will bring a lot of pollution.  Air in this town will fill with exhaust fumes and clear water will become waste water.   A lot of noise will be made because of the factory.  People living here will have a miserable life on account of the pollution. 
      Second, with the factory in this town, the population will increase owing to many migrators from different areas.  In fact, on account of these migrators, the town’s public security will become more dangerous than before.  The crime rate will rise for the people whose jobs are occupied by those who come from other places or the people who can’t find a job for the population is more than working opportunities.
      Third, though the small town may turn into the big city with the prosperity that the factory brings, people who live here will become aloof because everyone wants to make money instead of chatting with their neighbors.  Due to all of these reasons, I strongly disagree that the factory is established in this peaceful town.  As the mayor in this town for ten years, I will try my best to keep the dangerousness from Acton.

Discussing Effects - 1 - revised

     My father is an amateur of coffee.  He usually drinks two cups of coffee every day.  However, when he is busy with his work, he will drink more than three.  According to the research, people drinking a moderate amount of caffeine won’t cause any harm.  In contrast, if you ingest more than 500 to 600 mg a day (four to seven cups of coffee), there are several negative effects which harm your health.  First, drinking coffee will make you feel energetic.  But if you drink too much, you may get insomnia which keeps you from sleeping and you will feel nervous and anxious because you can’t sleep.  Second, your heart will beat fast or irregular, owing to ingesting caffeine more than people need in a day.  Third, caffeine may irritate your stomach so that you may have nausea or other gastrointestinal problems which make you uncomfortable.  Due to all of these reasons, I think drinking too much caffeine is not a good habitual behavior.  Maybe I should suggest that my father stop drinking more than three cups of coffee, or he will get a lot of harm from it.

2011年6月15日 星期三

Discussing Cause - 2 - revised

There are several reasons why this music store was out of business.  First, there were two large music stores 3 miles away from shopping center.  Therefore, this small store wouldn’t have customers because people like to shop at large stores for the price of CDs’ may be cheaper than those at the small store.  Second, most of the CDs there were hip-hop and rock that people living there might not like; hence, I thought Mr. Williams should buy different types of music for customers to choose such as classical music, folk music and so on.  Third, the shop was open Monday to Friday from 1 to 5 p.m.  In fact, people usually do shopping on weekends or Friday night rather than on weekdays.  Finally, Mr. Williams’ s shop wouldn’t accept checks or credit cards that may keep those who usually pay money by checks or credit cards from buying CDs at this shop.  These were why Mr. Williams closed his shop. If Mr. Williams wanted to open another shop, I thought he should do more preparations before opening the shop.

Discussing Cause - 1 - revised

I am going to graduate from university next month.  Before the coming graduation ceremony, I make a decision that I’m going to accept a job.  There are several reasons why I want to accept a job.  First, if I have a good job, I can give some money to my parents to appreciate that they have raised me for twenty-three years.  Second, I can save the money and hope I can buy a house for myself before the age of thirty.  Third, it's a good chance for me to show my specialty that I learn from the college.  Due to all of these reasons, I decide to accept the job from that company and I hope I can achieve my goals.

2011年6月9日 星期四

Expressing an Opinion - 2 - revised

Students in Taiwan all need to wear uniforms to school.  Although they don't like to wear uniforms, I'm still in favor of wearing uniforms to school.  First of all, students who wear uniforms look neat and tidy because they are dressed in the same clothes.  Second, students don't have to worry what they should wear before they go to school for uniform is the only choice.  Third, it is convenient for teachers to keep the school’s safety.  When there is a stranger coming into the campus, teachers can stop him or her immediately to prevent the students in the school from dangerous.  It is for all these reasons that I support students should wear uniforms to school.

Expressing an Opinion - 1 - revised

People in this generation like to chat online.  Chatting through the Internet is an interesting leisure activity because you don't know to whom you are talking.  In my opinion, it is not good for you to meet people through online dating sites.  First of all, you may spend too much time talking to your cyber friends and forget to do what you should do every day.  Then, though you think that you know the person well through the Net, he or she is still a stranger.  Maybe he or she is a liar and wants to borrow money from you through the Net and never returns it to you for good as he or she has piteous reasons.  Next, you may become a person who doesn't like to do outside activities and can’t make conversation with “real people” for addicting to the Internet.  Judging from the above, I don't think meeting people through online dating sites is a good idea.

Discussing Effects - 2

Acton is a small town in the Midwest.  It has a population of 2,500.  As the mayor in this town for ten years, I make all my efforts to protect this town from dangerous.  Last month, Stanly Manufacturing decided to open a large factory in Acton.  When I heard this news, I felt shocked because if the big factory builds in this quiet and clean place, it will bring several negative effects.  First of all, that factory will bring a lot of pollution.  Air in this town will filled with exhaust fumes and clear water will become waste water.   A lot of noise will be made because of the factory.  People living here will have a miserable life by all these pollution. 
  Second, with the factory in this town, the population will increase owing to many migrators from different areas.  In fact, on account of these migrators, the town’s public security will become more dangerous than before.  The committing rate will rise for those whose jobs are occupied by the people from other places or those who can’t find a job by the population is more than working opportunities.
  Third, though the small town may turn into the big city with the prosperous that the factory brings, people who live here will become aloof because everyone wants to make money instead of chatting with their neighbors.  Due to all of these reasons, I strongly disagree that the factory establish in this peaceful town.  As the mayor in this town for ten years, I will try my best to keep the dangerousness from Acton.

Discussing Effects - 1

  My father is an amateur of coffee.  He usually drinks two cups of coffee every day.  However, when he is busy with his work, he will drink more than three.  According to the research, people drink a moderate amount of caffeine won’t cause any harm.  In contrast, if you ingest more than 500 to 600 mg a day (four to seven cups of coffee).  There are several negative effects which harm your health.  First, drinking coffee will make you feel energetic.  But if you drink too much, you may get insomnia which keeps you from sleeping and you will feel nervousness and anxiety because you can’t sleep.  Second, your heart will beat fast or irregular owing to ingesting caffeine more than people need in a day.  Third, caffeine may irritate your stomach so that you may feel nausea or have other gastrointestinal problems which make you uncomfortable.  Due to all of these reasons, I think drinking too much caffeine is not a good habitual behavior.  Maybe I should suggest my father stop drinking more than three cups of coffee, or he will get a lot of harm from it.

2011年6月1日 星期三

Contrasting - 2 - revised

  I was going to hire a new English instructor for our school; consequently, I looked for a person who was suitable for the job.  I had two resumes from Lynn Whitnall and Debra Fines on hand.  I started to compare them for finding the most outstanding teacher.  According to the information on resumes, I found that Lynn Whitnall majored in Spanish at university while Debra Fines majored in English.  By the way, both of them were good at French; however, Lynn could speak Spanish and Japanese fluently as well.  When I read their employment experience, I found Debra had more experience than Lynn.  In fact, I considered that the person with more experience would teach students better.  Nevertheless, to my surpise, Lynn got "excellence in teaching award" in 2004.  The award was one of the best awards that every teacher wanted to get.  While I decided to make the decision, I found that Debra was the writer of English Verb Tenses.  That was the most popular textbook that every student who majored in English would have.  It was the most difficult choice that I had ever had.  Therefore, I decided to hold a teachers' conference on Monday and let all the teachers in this school vote for who would be the new teacher in our school.

Contrasting - 1 - revised

  I'm a freshman in the college.  It's my first time that I leave my hometown.  To start my new school life, I need to rent a house for me to live in this big city.  Thus, I ask my friends for help and they offer me two places to choose.  Both of them are apartments - Fairfax Apartment and CAMPUS APTS which are near the campus.  There are some descriptions of apartments.  First, there are two large bedrooms in Fairfax Apartment that maybe I can find a room-mate to share the rent for apartment with me.  However, CAMPUS APTS only has one room.  Second, the former is furnished such as sofa, bed, air conditioner etc while the latter doesn't have.  Above all, the apartment with two large bedrooms is more expensive than the other one with one room.  In fact, the former cost $1250 a month and the latter cost $900 a month plus utilities.  It's really difficult for me to choose one because there are too many obstacles.  For example, if I can't find a room-mate to share the rent with me, I have to pay all money by myself.  Yet I rent the other apartment, I need to buy new furniture.  Therefore, maybe I'll go home and ask my parents' instructions because they sponsor my living expenses.  I really can't wait to start my new university life.

Comparing - 3 - revised

  Teenagers in this generation like to be groupies who chase their favorite idols around, and I am not an exception. On weekends, I always go to singers' concerts.  In fact, there are two singers I like - Jolin and  Show.  To my surprise, I find they have similar personality and their ways to become a singer are alike.  First, Jolin and Show are very hard-working singers.  Every time they publish their new albums, they always change their singing and dancing style which is the main reason their fans like them.  Second, both of them are good at self-control because when they feel tried about their work or get sick, they never complain or cry out in front of the audiences.  Last, Jolin and Show are not popular at the beginning of their singing career.  However, instead of giving up themselves, they started to learn more things such as singing skills, dancing, acting and so on.  As the saying goes, "Where there is a will, there is a way."  Joiln and Show are both good examples.  As their biggest fan, I hope I could become a person with such great personality like them someday.

Discussing Cause - 2

  There several reasons why this music store was out of business.  First, there were two large music stores 3 miles away from shopping center.  Therefore, this small store wouldn’t have customers because people like to shop at large stores for the CDs’ price may cheaper than those at the small store.  Second, most of the CDs there were hip-hop and rock that people living there might not like, so I thought Mr. Williams should buy different types for customers to choose such as classical music, folk music and so on.  Third, the shop was open Monday to Friday from 1 to 5 p.m.  In fact, people usually do shopping on weekends or Friday night instead of on weekdays.  Finally, Mr. Williams’ s shop wouldn’t accept checks or credit cards that may bother those who usually use checks or credit cards.  These are the reasons why Mr. Williams closed his shop.

Discussing Cause - 1

  I am going to graduate from university next month.  Before the coming graduation ceremony,  I made a decision that I’m going to accept a job.  There are several reasons why I want to accept a job.  First, if I have a good job , I can give some money to my parents to appreciate that they had raised me for twenty-three years.  Second, I can save the money and hope I could buy a house for myself before the age of thirty.  Third, it's a good chance for me to bring my specialty that I learned from the college.  Due to all of these reasons, I decided to accept the job from that company and hope I could achieve my goals.