2011年6月9日 星期四

Expressing an Opinion - 1 - revised

People in this generation like to chat online.  Chatting through the Internet is an interesting leisure activity because you don't know to whom you are talking.  In my opinion, it is not good for you to meet people through online dating sites.  First of all, you may spend too much time talking to your cyber friends and forget to do what you should do every day.  Then, though you think that you know the person well through the Net, he or she is still a stranger.  Maybe he or she is a liar and wants to borrow money from you through the Net and never returns it to you for good as he or she has piteous reasons.  Next, you may become a person who doesn't like to do outside activities and can’t make conversation with “real people” for addicting to the Internet.  Judging from the above, I don't think meeting people through online dating sites is a good idea.

